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Raureif auf frostigen Gräsern, Nebelschwaden, die goldenes und orangenes Herbstlaub verschleiern. Eine blassgelbe Wintersonne, vor kahlen Baumkronen. Eine Studentin über dem Nebelmeer. Detailaufnahmen, Mikrokosmos und Makrokosmos. Hier finden sich atmosphärische Einblicke in die Natur, entstanden rund um unsere Exkursionen in die Grube Messel und an den Kühkopf – von den Studierenden festgehalten mit dem Handy, der Spiegelreflex- oder Analogkamera.

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The Sundarbans is a key tiger habitat. Image by Kaushik Ghosh via PixaHive (Public domain).

Commentary: Media must help reduce conflict between tigers and people in the Sundarbans

The Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest, is a natural wonder that supports millions of people. It’s a shield against powerful storms and provides resources for countless families. But this vital ecosystem is in crisis, and we’re caught in a deadly paradox: as we try to protect ourselves, we’re losing tigers. This conflict is fueled, in part, by the very media that should be raising awareness, and outdated policies that fail to address the root of the problem.

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